Windsock Information :: Other Llama Links :: Order Information


Windsock Information

The story of starting into Llamas is intriguing. Through my ads in several dog magazines, I received a call from a prospective customer on a dog windsock. We began talking about her Llama. MY NEW PAINTING ADVENTURE WAS BORN! Nancy was more than willing to send me all the information she had on this unique animal. Envelopes arrived quite frequently with pictures, catalogs, etc. So as a thank you, I decided to paint her Llama Khayyan. Nancy went "Llamas" over her gift. This has given me the opportunity to meet and work with many Llama and Alpaca lovers.

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As you can see, we have custom crafted many types of Llama and Alpaca windsocks. Each custom windsock takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Each windsock is unique and "one of a kind". What better way to show off your Llama or Alpaca?

Price: $58.50 (7" in diameter and 54" long)

Other Llama Links:

Order Information

Each windsock is custom crafted from over 20 fabric colors choices. Please feel free to send a picture of your Llama or Alpaca (for color & marking only). All photos will be returned with your order. An easy to use Order Form is available while you are browsing the site. The top fabric color listing is located on the Order Form Page.

How do I contact Windsocks by Connie?

Windsocks by Connie has moved!
Windsocks by Connie
217 S. B Street
Livingston, Montana 59047

Windsocks by Connie. All Rights Reserverd.